Malcolm. D. STANAWAY
Rank: Constable
Cause of Death: Murdered
At about 2.30pm, on Saturday 31st of March 1979, Police were called to investigate a complaint of an armed offender at Urch Street, Geraldton.
Four armed officers initially attended, including Constable Stanaway and Constable Rice.
As they took up position behind a fence, Amanda Wilbrahamn, aged 16, fired a shot from a .22 rifle semi-automatic rifle striking Constable Rice in the left shoulder.
Additional armed officers attend and during a short siege that forced police to seek cover, Constable Stanaway took up a position behind a car, when Wilbraham fired a shot striking him in the forehead.
Constable Stanaway died on the way to Royal Perth Hospital by Royal Flying Doctor Service at 6.30am on 1st April 1979.
Wilbraham was sentenced to death, but this was later commuted to life imprisonment.
Constable Stanaway was conveyed to England and buried at the Rosehill Cemetery in Cornwall with full honours on 18th of April 1979.