What We Do
WA Police Legacy looks after the families of deceased Police Officers, plus retired and serving officers.
Who We Support

Serving Sworn WA Police Officers

Retired WA Police Officers
Sworn Officers retired due to age or medical incapacity.

Police Families
Surviving spouse and children of deceased officers.
How We Help
When a Police Officer dies, WA Police Legacy is there to support the family who are left to deal with their loss.
Financial Assistance in times of hardship
Counselling, utilities.
Social Activities throughout the year
High teas, Bingo, Christmas cruises and various other social events.
Group camps
Throughout WA and other States.
Education Assistance
Payment for education, laptops, excursions, tutoring etc.
Driving lesson assistance
Driving lessons paid for.
Birthday and Christmas gifts
Vouchers provided.
Personal visits to family members.
Visits for special events and in times of need.
Trips to sporting events
Payment for travel.
Police Remembrance Day
Wreaths and event assistance.
Tailored support
Catered to family needs.

WA Police Legacy conducts a variety of social and fundraising events throughout the year.
Such as High Teas, Bingo, River Cruise, Charity Cycle rides, Golf, Footy, Rugby and our Gala Ball.
We hope to see you at our next event!